Thursday 12 June 2014


Hello Voters!

First and foremost, we would like to express our most sincere gratitude and appreciations to everyone who voted for our party; we will certainly not fail you! And secondly, we would like convey our highest praises to all of the candidates and their parties today. Every party had something great to offer during our candidate debate and we believe that with the ideas of the opposition government, we will strive to compromise our government on our history's founding principles and values to build a strong Canada. Once again thank-you for all of your support throughout this wonderful process, and we will make changes in the near future.

-The P.A. Party
      "Hear the people; take action"

Tuesday 10 June 2014

Interview With Robin Speer And Timothy Powers: The Temporary Foreign Workers Program

Transcript 1:
Robin Speer: Is this thing on?
Random Background Guy: Uh.. yeah
PA: Ok, we’re on a tight schedule today so let’s make this fast. This is the PA Party interviewing Robin Speer and Timothy Powers, who are both active lobbyists and we’re here today to discuss the Temporary Foreign Workers Program. Why don’t you guys introduce yourselves.
Speer: Alright. I’m Robin Speer here to talk to the P.A. Party on behalf of Tim Hortons Inc.
Powers: And I am Timothy Powers representing McDonalds Inc.
PA: Great to have you. Why don’t we start by talking about what the Temporary Foreign Workers Program is. The TFWP was designed to fill the labour shortages in Canada. However, the new revisions ensure that Canadians must be given first “crack” at the jobs.
Speer: The Temporary Foreign Workers Program has been an ongoing issue for months and Tim Hortons would like to express their concerns as to the new amendments that the government has been trying to make.
Powers: McDonalds has been proposing ideas that will help improve the amendments for the foreign workers, Canada’s citizens, and the companies offering these positions.

PA: So what are your ideas?

Powers: Well McDonalds, strongly believes that all employment should be based on skill level, and not nationality or culture. As a part of Canada and its economy, we recognize the importance of developing and fostering it, however real economic additives need to be put into place and Canada should most definitely support these initiatives.
Speer: I agree. Because these foreign workers are from developing countries, the levels of their needs are much higher than those of Canadians. We already have a thriving economy and when we bring these temporary immigrants into our nation, we are enabling them to become a part of it as well. This aside, the companies that we are representing, recognizes that Canadian workers need to have a crucial role in Canada’s economy.
PA: Well how do you suggest that we manage this and fulfill the needs of OUR citizens?

Powers: Well, as Robin had mentioned, immigrants typically need as much support as possible when they are in Canada for a short period of time. There are more expenses than usual, and often times the government may even give extra assistance to the cause. But what we can do, is incorporate the foreign workers into our economy. We believe that we can set aside a specific percentage of workers that are Canadian and the foreign workers another.

PA: We agree! The P.A. Party thinks that there should be a balance in everything. Currently, these immigrants get last pick on jobs. We think that if we were to fulfill an 75% to 25% split between these workers, we would easily accomplish a balanced work space within Canada.

Speer: Of course, the numbers should be flexed a little bit but this is a great start. Thank-you for your time P.A. Party.

Monday 9 June 2014

Food-Sustainability Summit Summary

The F.U.N. Party and the P.A. Party gathered today in a summit to discuss food sustainability and security, in order to help our citizens be the healthiest they can be. Currently, there are many chemical pesticides and fertilizers in our food products, which makes our diets extremely filled with processed, and unhealthy products. Thus, resulting in the rapidly increasing obesity rates in the children of today. These food products provide minimal benefit, and create detrimental long-term effects. Our party is extremely concerned by this, as we envision a healthy and happy society for the future. More specifically, the P.A Party will create change by informing citizens of these harmful chemicals, in order for them to make educated choices on what they are consuming for themselves and their families, as well as promote local farmer’s markets to improve the local economy and support local businesses.
Much like us, the F.U.N party agrees that we should start putting taxes on harmful pesticides and promote Canadian farms. This will ensure that people are getting healthy and safe food products that not only taste good, but assist in improving the economy. The F.U.N party however just wants to take shortcuts by taxing companies that use harmful pesticides and hope that this will fix the problem. We, the P.A. Party, are going to ensure that those businesses that get taxed find other ways to continue to produce and manage their sales in a better eco-friendly way. More specifically, we will fulfill this by letting people know the exact ingredients that are going into their foods, in order to aid people in making their own educational choices as well as provide incentive in the form of business for companies. This will help them to improve their ways and stop putting these harmful chemicals in our food that are known to be the cause harmful diseases such as cancer. We are going to stand by our local farmers and businesses in order to establish that citizens are as healthy as they can possibly be.

Wednesday 4 June 2014

1K Pageviews

We would like you thank you, the people, for letting us achieve our goal of one thousand page views! This is an exciting step for us as a party and you, our viewers and supporters. Since we were able to reach 1 000, we think that 3 000 isn't unreasonable, so lets get it done; 3 000 here we come!

On a second note, we would like to address the large quantity of questions and activity we have seen. With that, we have a created a FAQ page for you to look at if you have any questions. You can also leave us a comment or question in the comment section. We will gladly respond to your concerns.

Thank you for your help,

People's Action Party

Monday 2 June 2014

Press Release 3: Immigration

According to an unnamed source close to the current Conservative government, a joint committee headed by three high-ranking cabinet ministers has been exploring the implications of the following map for collective rights and immigration issues in Canada. It is suspected that the three cabinet ministers are the Honorable Kason Jenney, Minister for Multiculturalism; the Honorable Ghelly Slover, Minister of Canadian Heritage and Official languages; and the Honorable Ahris Clexander, Minister of Citizenship and Immigration. No one from any of the ministers’ offices was available to confirm this. Due to circumstances beyond this reporter’s control, the only document leaked was this, and no further details are available at this time.

Our Response:
The P.A. Party strongly values multiculturalism, and we believe that the future of Canada will be shaped by people of all corners of the world. Since the early days of Confederation, Canada has evolved into a nation that is home to a multitude of cultures and ethnicities. The People’s Action Party envisions a society in which immigration is prominent, but also well distributed, within our society. We believe that other cultures should be given more of a chance and in order to achieve this, our party would like to incorporate more embassies within other nations to obtain a balance of traditions and worldviews. The graph attached demonstrates that the dominant immigrants in Canada are currently Chinese and German. By promoting and implementing more embassies throughout the globe, we are able to achieve a wider range of cultures and a vast array of worldviews.

The P.A. Party will enable the English, the French minority groups, the FNMI populations, and the immigrants of Canada to prosper within one society. Our government is working hard to balance these cultural groups and ensure that the rights of ALL citizens and minority groups are represented and voiced through a series of rights that are given and events that are created by the government. We will provide more funding to embassies within smaller countries in order to advertise and endorse Canada, and as a result this will create more of a balance of cultures in our nation. These newly developed and funded embassies will help to endorse the opportunities in Canada and will enable citizens of other nations to envision themselves and their futures in a better and more stable Canada. Of course, we will be using our citizens tax money to help build these offices however, these immigrants will help our local citizens and our nation greatly. Not only we will gain a wealth of knowledge from these unique individuals, but we will also be able to fill in the gaps within Canada’s economy and workforce. The future is bright, but we need everyone’s hand in creating it.

Saturday 31 May 2014

Press Release 2: Senate Scandal Solution

Our citizens have felt deceived by the Senate, and as a result the P.A. Party believes in making new changes from the pleas of our citizens. Our party prides ourselves on being traditional and reasonable so we have decided that instead of abolishing the Senate we would make a few changes for the benefit of the citizens. We have developed a 5 Step Plan to ensure our Senate is the best it can possibly be.

Five Step Plan:
1. Reduce the Senate to 77 Senators
We believe that less Senators are required to do their job.
2. Create a provincial nomination platform.
- Bill 189
- Each province nominates 10 people to be apart of the Senate. Of these people chosen each party will select Senators
-Each Party will select senators based on the average percentage of votes over 8 years (2 elections)
3. Change term length (8 years).
- Bill 190
- Each Senate will have to reapply every 8 years instead of being a Senate until they are 75 years of age
- They can be re-elected by the province, and nation, to a maximum of 16 years (4 elections)
4. Put Bill 189 into action: Re-elect the senators based on the average of each party’s votes over 8 years (2 elections)
          5. Reduce Spending Power of Senators, and calculate beforehand how much it would cost to travel per year

Again if you have any questions, concerns or comments feel free to comment below or email us!

Thursday 29 May 2014

P.A. Party Announcement!

If you are a supporter of the P.A. Party, you will soon receive a cool surprise gift! Follow us today!